Stefanie Wuschitz – Clay PCB | S+ T+ ARTS Prize, Ars Electronica

Die Eco-Feminist Decolonial Hardware, die Stefanie Wuschitz gemeinsam mit Patrícia J. Reis entwickelt hat und die im Rahmen der Ausstellung Gute Mi[]ne – böses Spiel auch schon in der GALERIE3 zu sehen war, war heuer für den S+T+ARTS Prize nominiert.

“It is an open secret that the hardware in our smart devices contains not only plastics but also ‘conflict minerals’ such as copper and gold. Technology is not neutral. We investigate alternative hardware from locally sourced materials from a feminist perspective, to develop and speculate upon renewable practices. We call it Feminist Hardware! Feminist Hardware is developed without mining in harmful ways, in an environmentally friendly way, under fair working conditions, and is manufactured from ubiquitously available materials, without generating e-waste, with consent, love and care (Zitat Wuschitz).”

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